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Portek Ultra 3 Professional Chainsaw Sharpener


Recommended Retail Price: £229.99

Spring Sale Price:£159.00

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Product Information

The new Ultra 3 Chain Grinder Chainsaw Sharpener fromPortek. This professional bench-mounted Chainsaw Sharpener has a heavy-duty buildquality and gives you everything you need to keep your chainsaw chain in optimumcondition.

The Ultra 3 is suitable for all sizes and makes of chainsawchain. It is fully-adjustable and has an adjustable cutting angle of 0 – 35°. Aracket system moves the chain along to the next grinding point. The Ultra 3 Nowsharpens 10° chains.

There is a 3.2mm wheel supplied which is suitable for most.325 and 3/8″ chains. A 4.5mm wheel is available to purchase separatelyfor .404 chains.


  • Motor: 230v. 230W. 3000rpm
  • Power Supply: 230v. 50Hz
  • Work Light: 230v. 15W
  • Cutting Angle Adjustment: 0 – 35°
  • Solid Metal Design
  • Warranty: 12 Months

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